The Last Line of a Poem by Pierre Béarn: ‘Métro Boulot Dodo’

Many of us confront the monotonous modern cycle of commuting (métro) and working (boulot) until we're ground into sleep (dodo). There's a French idiom that nicely sums up the life of the Sisyphean commuter: Métro Boulot Dodo [me-tro boo-lo doh-doh]. In English, we might say: "eat, work, sleep, repeat." But nah... it sounds more existentially despairing in French. … Continue reading The Last Line of a Poem by Pierre Béarn: ‘Métro Boulot Dodo’

An Alphabet of Celebrities: ‘Knowledge Worth Having’

Leafing through this old A-to-Z of celebrities is like finding a Mad Magazine from the nineteenth century. The book's lyrics and images wondrously lampoon the– mostly– old men of European civilization. Instead of being revered as timeless sages, they are brought low, returned to us as fallen flesh-and-blood creatures. Their everyday lives get the tabloid treatment. And, just like today, lust is the common sin that most often brings these high and mighty men crashing down to earth.